

Smaller on the Outside‘ began as The Extraordinary Project’  in February of 2007.  Originally, it was a group of three brothers who made a weekly audio podcast of all their favorite TV shows.  This went on for a while, actually, it was on and off for a few years.  Then realizing they have more priorities, and noticing their view count was low, they quit. David Gilleand, the creator of this website went on to write recaps of TV shows, and finally moved to writing movie reviews over at ‘Dave Examines Movies

Now, the brothers are back with a brand new podcast. This time, they decided not to cram every show into one podcast, and instead decided on one single TV show (Doctor Who). However, as much as we consider this podcast a Doctor Who podcast, we also talk about other shows when Doctor Who is on hiatus, check out our podcast schedule for more info.




David has been hosting a number of websites, and writes daily for his sister review site: Dave Examines Movies. He is 26 years old and has an associates degree in Criminal Justice

S.1: The Time Lord (Doctor Who)
S.2: The Detective (Sherlock)
S.3: The CTU Agent (24: Seasons 1-8)
S.4: The Fugitive (24: Live Another Day)


Andy is 27 years old, and is mega smart when it comes to computers. He currently owns a 50″ 3D TV, and has graduated college with a degree in computer stuff.

S.1: The Companion (Doctor Who)
S.2: The Companion (Sherlock)
S.3: The Analyst (24: Seasons 1-8)
S.4: The Friend (24: Live Another Day)

312333_10200163867288968_1227114062_nand featuring:

Tim Gilleand(The Timbot)

Only Featured in Season One & Four

Tim is a robot. He shows up when he wants

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